4th Quarter President’s Report
2020 has been a unique experience for us all! I hope you and your family have been able to find times of peace and joy in this holiday season.
Here is a final update on what your Association has been up to for 2020, Q4.
- The Governmental Affairs Forum continued to meet virtually with many dynamic guests and speakers on a number of high profile topics, such as Brandon Van Hook, then Mayor-elect of Semmes.
- The Community Relations Committee attempted to combine in-person as well as virtual and safe-distancing events. These included hosting its annual blood drive, this year in the MAAR parking lot, a drive-thru Dance without Limits breakfast with individual take-home crafts to hand out, and hurricane relief efforts in support of those in the Gulf areas hardest hit by the hurricanes.
- The Education Committee was able to provide numerous virtual informative and CE Classes throughout the year.
- The ARPAC Committee, Allocations Committee, and Auction Committee have done an exceptional job in a challenging year including exceeding our 2020 goals. Remember, these funds come back to you in a number of ways, most keenly felt by many in their financial assistance via PPP, unemployment, and more as a result of our hard work in our communications with local and state legislators to ensure Realtors and Affiliates were deemed essential, in addition to working on endorsements for the 2020 political cycle.
- The Affiliate Council continued to be a tremendous support to your Association.
- The Charitable Foundation continued to sell their popular T-shirts.
- Your Executive Committee and Board of Directors has, in spite of the pandemic, continued to work diligently in providing each of you the best tools and services for you to be successful in your real estate career. While not able to attend Alabama Association of Realtors and National Association of Realtors meetings/conferences, we did attend virtually through Zoom. We will continue to improve your GCMLS and our collaboration with other Associations around the State.
I would like to take this time to personally thank each Member for your support during this most challenging and unprecedented year. I have appreciated you all. I also want to thank everyone who volunteered this year for the Association. It takes the concerted efforts of each of us to make this Association what it is and the best it can be. It truly has been my honor and pleasure to serve each one of you as your 2020 Mobile Area Association of Realtors President.
Your Executive Committee, Boards of Directors, and staff are here to serve you, our most valuable asset. Please let us know how we can best do this. In spite of the challenges this year offered, we continue to move forward and I know your 2021 leadership awaits to carry you confidently forward.
Michelle Talbott Rogers
Mobile Area Association of Realtors® President 2020