
Become a Member


As a REALTOR®, you join more than 1,000 members locally and 1,000,000 members nationally who share your enthusiasm and commitment to the REALTOR® profession. We are committed to providing you with countless member benefits to contribute to your success.


The cost of your membership is minimal; the benefits are priceless.

As a real estate professional, it is time to distinguish yourself from the competition. REALTOR® membership gives you that competitive edge!

Each year, when you make your dues investment, maintaining your REALTOR® status, you automatically receive the membership benefits of your local, state and national REALTOR® Associations. This support informs and guides you through the ever changing Real Estate Market.

You’ll have access to a wide array of business tools, real estate market data, educational opportunities, and discount programs designed to help you succeed in today’s market.

We provide educational classes, including webinars to enable you access to the latest information and technology. Continuing Education classes are available to our members. We strive to obtain discounted or free rates for classes.

We work hard to provide as many opportunities for networking and professional development as possible. Join us for our quarterly REALTOR® Luncheons and enjoy informative speakers while spending time with your colleagues. There are many committees to share your talents with such as Community Relations, Education, Governmental Affairs, Professional Standards, ARPAC, Affiliate Council and Technology. Join us for one of our many fabulous seasonal events here at the Association.

We lobby for YOU at the local, state and national levels and speak as ONE VOICE for all REALTORS® nationwide.


There will be no refund of dues or fees paid by the applicant. NOTE THAT IF YOU BECOME INACTIVE FOR MORE THAN 60 DAYS, THERE IS $225 REINSTATEMENT FEE.
Notice: Payments to the Mobile Area Association of REALTORS® are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Also, federal law states that the percentage of your association dues used for state and federal lobbying activities is nondeductible as a business expense for federal tax purposes.



SENTRILOCK -Lockbox Key Service

There is a one-time application fee of $50.00 through MAAR to send your initial set-up to Sentrilock billed when you join.
You will receive an email from Sentrilock to complete your set-up and pay for your services to them. Key services are billed Annually in April by Sentrilock. The annual fee is $250.00 and is prorated quarterly as follows: