Making the Way in Real Estate
MAAR Leadership
The Mobile Area Association of REALTORS® (MAAR) provides ongoing education, training, information and support services to help members succeed. In partnership with our business affiliates, we add value to the community by advocating private property rights, providing community services and promoting quality of life. We are dedicated to the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.
Association Experts Here to Help
MAAR Staff
The staff of the Mobile Association of Realtors and Gulf Coast MLS are dedicated to serving our REALTOR members with the highest quality products and services. Call or email any of the specialists listed below for questions or assistance.
MAAR Committees
Finance Committee – Provides advice and recommendations concerning current and future Associaiton operations and planning. Develops and tracks the Association budget and finances and makes recommendations to the Board of Director’s in accordance with the bylaws.
Professional Standards Committee – Responsible for hearings on matters of alleged unethical conduct by Associaiton members or to provide arbitration as requested.
Grievance Committee – Receives ethics complaints and arbitration requests to determine if, taken as true on their face, a hearing is to be warranted. Follows procedures as set forth in the NAR Professional Standards Code of Ethics and Arbitration manual.
Education Committee – Develops and implements professional development opportunities for REALTOR® members throughout the year.
Community Relations Committee – By promoting and encouraging REALTOR® involvement in the community, this community gives back by serving others through volunteering and fundraising efforts.
RPAC Committee – Communicates the mission and importance of RPAC to the membership. Raises fund through direct member contact, cultivation of major investors, and events.
RPAC Fundraising Committee (often referred to as Auction Committee) – Plans and implements fundraising campaigns to raise funds for political advocay to promote property rights.
RPAC Allocations Committee – Through an application and vetting process this committee makes recommendations to the Board of Director’s regarding support of candidates of elected offices. A commitment to being informed on local, state, and national governments is one of the top priorities.
Governmental Affairs Forum – This former committee turned forum allows members to stay informed on matters of local, state, and national governments through regular meetings and The Legislative Lens newsletter.
Affiliate Council – Coordinates with all committees to plan and promote events. Sponsors quarterly REALTOR® Fest happy hour events where REALTORS® and Affiliates come together to network, communicate value, and enhance membership engagement.
Commercial Exchange Group – Advances integrity, knowledge, and education in the field of commercial real estate through networking and educational opportunities.
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Our Affiliates
Enjoy lasting professional relationships with local businesses who are Affiliate Members of MAAR. MAAR has been well recognized as having possibly the most engaged Affiliate Council in the region. Our affiliates achieve maximum exposure of their businesses to the thousands searching for homes in the Mobile Area.
Want to enhance your business? Use a trusted Affiliate member of the Associaiton of REALTORS®.
Charitable Foundation
What is The Mobile REALTORS® Charitable Foundation?
The Mobile REALTORS® Charitable Foundation (MRCF) is a 501 (c) 3 tax-deductible organization established by the Mobile Area Association of REALTORS® in 2010. MRCF was formed as an ongoing effort to enable the Association to improve the quality of life for all Mobilians and to help bring awareness of the many charitable actions of local REALTORS® in the Mobile Community.
Who can give to The Mobile REALTORS® Charitable Foundation?
YOU CAN! Anyone, whether they are a REALTOR® or not, can make a tax-deductible gift through a monetary contribution, a contribution of real property, or a contribution of stocks and/or bonds to the Foundation. Another consideration is making a planned gift from an estate to be given to the Foundation upon the death of the contributor.
Other than donating strictly for tax deductible purposes, what other ways could you consider making a gift to the Mobile REALTORS® Charitable Foundation?
You could donate to the Foundation to celebrate a friend, an agent in your office, or a family member or agent’s birthday, to honor someone in your office for an achievement or milestone to celebrate a successful transaction, or to consider making a memorial gift upon the death of a REALTOR®, a co-worker, or family member. You could also consider making a tax-deductible gift for end of year tax planning purposes.
Did you know that the Mobile Area Association of REALTORS® makes a monetary gift to the Mobile REALTORS® Charitable Foundation at each membership meeting in the name of that meeting’s speaker?
A contribution is made to honor and thank each of the speakers of these meetings.
Besides tax-deductible gifts of individuals, how has the Mobile REALTORS® Charitable Foundation been funded?
The Mobile Area Association of REALTORS® and its subsidiary, Gulf Coast Multiple Listing Service, have been generous monetary supporters of this endeavor. Corporate and personal REALTOR® donations to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Mobile Area Association of REALTORS® helped greatly fund the Foundation.
What has the Mobile REALTORS® Charitable Foundation done with these tax-deductible gifts?
The Mobile REALTORS® Charitable Foundation has been engaged over the past few years in growing the principal balance of the Foundation to preserve its ability to contribute to and serve our community. In 2017, the Foundation made its 1st community gift with a large donation of sports equipment, puzzles, games, ping pong tables, bumper pool tables, jump ropes, balls, and entertainment systems to the City of Mobile Parks and Recreation Department to be distributed to Mobile Recreation Centers to keep young people occupied, active and safe during the summer months and throughout the year.