
Mobile Area Association of REALTORS®

Message From MAAR President, Michelle Talbott Rogers April 3, 2020

Greetings to you all, my fellow associates and friends,

It must surely seem we are inundating you with information. We apologize for the overload but everything is occurring so rapidly it seems we cannot keep up with it all. 

I encourage you to continue to be aware, not panicked. This too shall come to pass. Stephen is doing a great job of staying on top of our MAAR communication. Your awareness can be enhanced by you taking the time to refer to the sites shared, particularly those by NAR and AAR, read the resources, and educate yourself in order to respond appropriately – being the Voice of Real Estate. Remember, information varies state-to-state so look to AAR for our Alabama information. Please be sure what you share is accurate. When in doubt, check it out.

Have patience with Gov Ivey. She, too, is inundated with information and has a protocol she is expected to follow in her decisions and announcements. Pay attention, follow her guidance, and encourage others to do the same. Together, we will get through all of this. 

NAR and AAR are doing an incredible job lobbying on behalf of each of you, for our real estate industry, for our community. The economy will rebound with consumer confidence. All else follows real estate trends. This is not like the financial concerns of a decade ago – what is happening now is due to a health pandemic. There are other businesses on hold during this time but, as you know, real estate activities have been declared essential. This is a tremendous action. Your NAR and AAR acted quickly with regard to this. 

I have fielded many calls of late regarding MLS, SBA loans, Independent Contractor unemployment insurance, and more. Much of this is being announced more quickly than can be absorbed. Read the websites (including MAAR and GCMLS), check with your lenders, your CPAs, and with your Brokers for your office guidelines. 

Your MAAR Executive Committee, Boards of Directors, and Staff continue to work for you to keep you informed and relevant during these rapidly changing days. Life continues, and business does as well. Continue to follow the handwashing, surface cleaning, and social distancing guidelines, and if you are sick, stay home — fever, go to the doctor. A few weeks of sacrifice is a whole lot easier than a few months of prolonged distancing. I don’t know about you, but y’all, I am SO ready to not be so isolated any longer! 

Continue taking advantage of the FREE online education options available to you. MAAR will be sharing options with you but NAR is offering designation classes free or at a discounted rate and so much other support to you right now through the Right Tools, Right Now program. Go to their website here  NAR.Realtor 

 Stay connected with family, friends, clients, customers, neighbors, associates. 

Faith over Fear. Be strong. Stay informed. Encourage. Stay positive. Success is on the other side of this hill. Together, we can do it! That’s Who We R!


Michelle Talbott Rogers
Mobile Area Association of Realtors, President 2020