MAAR New Member Orientation
Mobile Area Association of REALTORS® is excited to host the fourth new member orientation of the year. These orientations are the perfect way to introduce the latest REALTORS® to the Association and inform them of the resources and support available through MAAR. The new members start their orientation by an introduction to the MAAR executive committee, board members, and staff. Leading into lunch, our new members learn about fair housing, anti-trust laws, and receive the Nation Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics training required for all agents.
To end the day, they take part in roundtable discussions led by their colleagues already in the industry. These conversations cover topics such as member services, business building, marketing & technology, legislative advocacy, financial planning, and community engagement.
The Mobile Area Association of REALTORS® and Women’s Council of REALTORS® are hosting a joint Membership Breakfast on August 16th. All 37 members who attended the orientation are invited for a pinning ceremony where they will receive their REALTOR® lapel pin and take the REALTOR® Oath.
Please join the Association in welcoming the latest REALTORS® to the Mobile community.