
Mobile Area Association of REALTORS®

Message from MAAR President, Michelle Talbott Rogers April 17, 2020

Greetings to all,
Does it seem like it has been a month that we have been living the ongoing isolations and updates of COVID19?

How are you doing? Yes, YOU. How are you? If I have not had the opportunity to chat with you as yet, please feel free to give me a call. I want to know how you are.

As we all become accustomed to this new normal, soon enough we will be back into a regular normal. There is light at the end of this time of uncertainty. Of course with some caveats, news has indicated that Baldwin County soon may be opening their beaches. This will be much-welcomed news. And in our world of relationships, how odd will it seem to once again be able to greet an associate, a client, a friend with a handshake. Or how about a hug!

Until then, we continue to follow the guidelines of our industry and our city and state officials, respecting our privilege as essential business and operating under behaviors conscientious of this courtesy.

Of course, by now we have the health safety mantra down: wash your hands for 20 seconds; stand at least 6 feet from one another; sneeze or cough into your elbow; sick, stay home; fever, call a doctor. Got it.

But let’s remember, too, to: remain committed to and practice professionalism; stay informed through updates from NAR, AAR, MAAR, Alabama, your City or Town. and your Broker; offer options and clear, honest communication with your clients; be consistent in your practices, especially with regard to Fair Housing; and take care of your business and take care of you.

Be vigilant with regard to cyber fraud. This is a prime time for it to rage.

This too shall pass. And our lives and our businesses will return. Let’s not forget to prepare and be ready for that.

Your Mobile Area Association of Realtors and your Gulf Coast MLS Leadership and Staff remain committed to you and remain informed in an effort to help keep you informed and are here to assist you in any way you may need. Please reach out to us. We are here for you.

Faith over Fear. Be strong. Stay informed. Encourage. Stay positive. Success is on the other side of this hill. Together, we can do it. That’s Who We R!

Michelle Talbott Rogers
Mobile Area Association of Realtors, President 2020