
Mobile Area Association of REALTORS®

Message from MAAR President March 27, 2020

Greetings to you all, my fellow associates and friends,

Is seems each week, each day there is a new development with COVID19, doesn’t it? At least, I surely think so. But truly, truly, this too shall pass.

You all may or may not be aware Gov Ivey ordered the close of any non-essential businesses effective 5:00 PM tomorrow, Saturday, March 28, until April 17. Many business types were specifically listed (nail salons, spas, barbershops, gyms, and concert venues – anything with up-close contact), but real estate was not one, thankfully. Please know on this regard, AAR President Morgan Ashurst, AAR CEO Jeremy Walker and staff have been working diligently in keeping a pulse on this subject and keeping your MAAR leadership and staff involved and informed. Stephanie and Stephen and the rest of your MAAR / GCMLS staff have been doing a great job keeping up with such crucial information and keeping your leadership team informed as well.

Also know, your MAAR Executive Committee and Board of Directors are working now to petition our local mayors, including but not limited to Mayor Stimpson and the Mobile City Council, to declare real estate in our area as an essential business. This is imperative to sustaining business and economy in our area as well as allowing housing for those who are still moving into our area, even during this pandemic. Life continues and business does as well.

Hopefully, your business continues to stay at least steady for you. If we can hold on at this time, the prognostications are that we should see a further release of pent-up home purchasing after this virus is finished. So do not lose hope! There is light on the horizon. Take this downtime to regroup, organize your desks, your files, discard what is not needed, put together mail-outs – how about your database? How many times have you meant to put together your database? Or your webpage? No time like the present! And if you have already done that – then, how about at home? Why not clean out that closet, pantry, storage you have meant to do. Here is your round tuit! I have been doing just that these last couple of weeks – painting and cleaning. Spend time with your family. Some of you are at home with your children. Make the most of this time. It is but a short interruption and then all will be back to normal.

Stay connected with family, friends, clients. Ok, there is a good thing about all this technology we have – you can stay in touch and practice 6′ social distancing with no problem! Remember to wash your hands – 20 seconds with soap each time. Wipe down surfaces with sanitizer. If you are sick, stay home. Encourage others to do the same. If you do not feel better, contact your health provider.

Find a few minutes to reach out to your fellow Realtor and encourage them. Offer some words of support. We can all use it right now!

Faith over Fear. Be strong. Stay informed. Encourage. Stay positive. Success is on the other side of this hill. Together, we can do it! That’s Who We R!


Michelle Talbott Rogers
Mobile Area Association of REALTORS®, President 2020