Statement of Solidarity
The senseless death of George Floyd is beyond tragic. Our deepest sympathies extend to Mr. Floyd’s family and all the other families who have experienced social inequities. The Mobile Area Association of REALTORS® has a long history of advocating for fair housing, equality, and inclusion at the local, state, and national levels. These are values REALTORS® have practiced, fought for, and protected through the 100-year-old Code of Ethics that calls on REALTORS® to respect all individuals and protected classes.
As Mobilians, REALTORS® are neighbors living, working, and investing in the community who actively participate in promoting equality, inclusion, and acceptance. We are diligently listening, ready to learn, and eager to work towards and play a part in making our community equal for all Mobilians.
As we grieve with the Floyd family, we continue to accept our part in the solution as we fight for equality. We firmly believe the future begins with equal access to housing and opportunity for all.
The Mobile Area Association of REALTORS®