COVID-19 Update from MAAR, May 1st, 2020

A Message from Michelle Talbott Rogers,
Mobile Area Association of REALTORS® President
Greetings to all of you,
Another week in our “new normal” world and as we are settling into safe virus behavior, we are able to pause and consider our business finances… (full message here)
Alabama Department of Labor
- File a COVID-19 Unemployment Claim
- Track your COVID-19 Claim Status
- ADOL COVID-19 Resources & Updates
REALTOR® Party Update
Text COVID19 to 30644 to receive the latest information on NAR’s advocacy efforts on COVID-19.
- NAR Weekly Housing Market Monitor April 27-May 1st
- NAR Flash Survey Economic Pulse April 26-27
- NAR REALTOR® REsiliency Report
NAR FAQ on SBA Loan Programs in CARES Act
NAR has been working closely with Congress and the Administration to ensure the interests of REALTORS® and their clients are protected in any federal action in response to COVID-19… (read more here)
US Treasury
The Paycheck Protection Program established by the CARES Act, is implemented by the Small Business Administration with support from the Department of the Treasury. (read more here)
City of Mobile
The Unified Command has compiled a list of the testing locations open in Mobile County. Reminder, those seeking COVID-19 testing must call first to be screened, before going to the site. Testing will be done by appointments only. (read more here)
The MAAR Leadership is actively monitoring COVID-19 by staying close to official guidance from the National Association of REALTORS®, the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization.
As always, the MAAR staff is here to assist all members, please use email as the best way of communicating with the staff.
Stephanite White, CEO:
Jean Hearn, MLS:
Will Seymour, MLS:
Mark Roberts, Finance Director:
Traci Castillow, Membership and Education:
Stephen Jones, Communications and Governmental Affairs:
Keon Burroughs, Administrative Assistant:
As updates become available, please look for emails from the Association along with checking Facebook and the Association website